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Vendor: Oracle
Certifications: Oracle Database
Exam Name: Oracle Database 12c: SQL Fundamentals
Exam Code: 1Z0-061
Total Questions: 75 Q&As
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Latest Oracle Database 1Z0-061 Dumps Exam Questions And Answers (Q1-Q20)
Evaluate the following SQL statement:
Which statement is true regarding the outcome of the above query?
A. It executes successfully and displays rows in the descending order of PROMO_CATEGORY.
B. It produces an error because positional notation cannot be used in the order by clause with set operators.
C. It executes successfully but ignores the order by clause because it is not located at the end of the compound statement.
D. It produces an error because the order by clause should appear only at the end of a compound querythat is, with the last select statement.
Correct Answer: D
View the Exhibit and examine the structure of the product, component, and PDT_COMP tables.
In product table, PDTNO is the primary key.
In component table, COMPNO is the primary key.
In PDT_COMP table, <PDTNO, COMPNO) is the primary key, PDTNO is the foreign key referencing PDTNO in product table and COMPNO is the foreign key referencing the COMPNO in component table. You want to generate a report listing the product names and their corresponding component names, if the component names and product names exist. Evaluate the following query: SQL>SELECT pdtno, pdtname, compno, compname
FROM product _____________ pdt_comp
USING (pdtno) ____________ component USING (compno) WHERE compname IS NOT NULL;
Which combination of joins used in the blanks in the above query gives the correct output?
Correct Answer: C
View the Exhibit for the structure of the student and faculty tables.
You need to display the faculty name followed by the number of students handled by the faculty at the base location.
Examine the following two SQL statements:
Which statement is true regarding the outcome?
A. Only statement 1 executes successfully and gives the required result.
B. Only statement 2 executes successfully and gives the required result.
C. Both statements 1 and 2 execute successfully and give different results.
D. Both statements 1 and 2 execute successfully and give the same required result.
Correct Answer: D
View the Exhibits and examine products and sales tables.
You issue the following query to display product name and the number of times the product has been sold:
What happens when the above statement is executed?
A. The statement executes successfully and produces the required output.
B. The statement produces an error because item_cnt cannot be displayed in the outer query.
C. The statement produces an error because a subquery in the from clause and outer-joins cannot be used together.
D. The statement produces an error because the group by clause cannot be used in a subquery in the from clause.
Correct Answer: A
You want to create a table employees in which the values of columns EMPLOYEES_ID and LOGIN_ID must be unique and not null. Which two SQL statements would create the required table?
A. Option A
B. Option B
C. Option C
D. Option D
E. Option E
F. Option F
Correct Answer: DE
View the Exhibit and examine the structure of the products table.
Using the products table, you issue the following query to generate the names, current list price, and discounted list price for all those products whose list price falls below $10 after a discount of 25% is applied on it. 1Z0-061 dumps
The query generates an error. What is the reason for the error?
A. The parenthesis should be added to enclose the entire expression.
B. The double quotation marks should be removed from the column alias.
C. The column alias should be replaced with the expression in the where clause.
D. The column alias should be put in uppercase and enclosed within double quotation marks in the where clause.
Correct Answer: C
Examine the structure proposed for the transactions table:
Which two statements are true regarding the creation and storage of data in the above table structure?
A. The CUST_STATUS column would give an error.
B. The TRANS_VALIDITY column would give an error.
C. The CUST_STATUS column would store exactly one character.
D. The CUST_CREDIT_LIMIT column would not be able to store decimal values.
E. The TRANS_VALIDITY column would have a maximum size of one character.
F. The TRANS_DATE column would be able to store day, month, century, year, hour, minutes, seconds,
and fractions of seconds
Correct Answer: BC
VARCHAR2(size)Variable-length character data (A maximum size must be specified: minimum size is 1; maximum size is 4, 000.)
CHAR [(size)] Fixed-length character data of length size bytes (Default and minimum size is 1; maximum size is 2, 000.)
NUMBER [(p, s)] Number having precision p and scale s (Precision is the total number of decimal digits and scale is the number of digits to the right of the decimal point; precision can range from 1 to 38, and scale can range from 84 to 127.) DATE Date and time values to the nearest second between January 1, 4712 B.C., and December 31, 9999 A.D.
You need to create a table for a banking application. One of the columns in the table has the following requirements:
1) You want a column in the table to store the duration of the credit period.
2) The data in the column should be stored in a format such that it can be easily added and subtracted with date data type without using conversion functions.
3) The maximum period of the credit provision in the application is 30 days.
4) The interest has to be calculated for the number of days an individual has taken a credit for.
Which data type would you use for such a column in the table?
Correct Answer: D
Which three tasks can be performed using SQL functions built into Oracle Database?
A. Displaying a date in a nondefault format
B. Finding the number of characters in an expression
C. Substituting a character string in a text expression with a specified string
D. Combining more than two columns or expressions into a single column in the output
Correct Answer: ABC
View the Exhibit and examine the description of SALES and PROMOTIONS tables.
You want to delete rows from the sales table, where the PROMO_NAME column in the promotions table
has either blowout sale of everyday low prices as values.
Which three delete statements are valid?
A. Option A
B. Option B
C. Option C
D. Option D
Correct Answer: BCD
Which three SQL statements would display the value 1890.55 as $1, 890.55?
A. Option A
B. Option B
C. Option C
D. Option D
E. Option E
Correct Answer: ADE
You want to display 5 percent of the employees with the highest salaries in the EMPLOYEES table.
Which query will generate the required result? 1Z0-061 dumps
A. Option A
B. Option B
C. Option C
D. Option D
Correct Answer: D
In the customers table, the CUST_CITY column contains the value ‘Paris’ for the CUST_FIRST_NAME ‘Abigail’.
Evaluate the following query:
What would be the outcome?
A. Abigail PA
B. Abigail Pa
C. Abigail IS
D. An error message
Correct Answer: B
View the Exhibit and evaluate the structure and data in the CUST_STATUS table.
You issue the following SQL statement:
Which statement is true regarding the execution of the above query?
A. It produces an error because the AMT_SPENT column contains a null value.
B. It displays a bonus of 1000 for all customers whose AMT_SPENT is less than CREDIT_LIMIT.
C. It displays a bonus of 1000 for all customers whose AMT_SPENT equals CREDIT_LIMIT, or AMT_SPENT is null.
D. It produces an error because the TO_NUMBER function must be used to convert the result of the NULLIF function before it can be used by the NVL2 function.
Correct Answer: C
The NULLIF Function
The NULLIF function tests two terms for equality. If they are equal the function returns a null, else it returns the first of the two terms tested. The NULLIF function takes two mandatory parameters of any data type.
The syntax is NULLIF(ifunequal, comparison_term), where the parameters ifunequal and comparison_term are compared. If they are identical, then NULL is returned. If they differ, the ifunequal parameter is returned.
Which normal form is a table in if it has no multi-valued attributes and no partial dependencies?
A. First normal form
B. Second normal form
C. Third normal form
D. Fourth normal form
Correct Answer: B
Examine the types and examples of relationships that follow:
1. One-to-one a) Teacher to students
2. One-to-many b) Employees to Manager
3. Many-to-one c) Person to SSN
4. Many-to-many d) Customers to products
Which option indicates the correctly matched relationships?
A. 1-a, 2-b, 3-c, and 4-d
B. 1-c, 2-d, 3-a, and 4-b
C. 1-c, 2-a, 3-b, and 4-d
D. 1-d, 2-b, 3-a, and 4-c
Correct Answer: C
You execute the following commands:
For which substitution variables are you prompted for the input?
A. None, because no input required
B. Both the substitution variables ‘hiredate’ and ‘mgr_id\
C. Only ‘hiredate’
D. Only ‘mgr_id’
Correct Answer: D
View the Exhibit and examine the structure of the customers table.
Using the customers table, you need to generate a report that shows the average credit limit for customers in Washington and NEW YORK.
Which SQL statement would produce the required result?
A. Option A
B. Option B
C. Option C
D. Option D
Correct Answer: C
View the Exhibit and examine the data in the employees table:
You want to display all the employee names and their corresponding manager names.
Evaluate the following query:
Which join option can be used in the blank in the above query to get the required output?
Correct Answer: C
Evaluate the following query:
What would be the outcome of the above query?
A. It produces an error because flower braces have been used.
B. It produces an error because the data types are not matching.
C. It executes successfully and introduces an ‘s at the end of each PROMO_NAME in the output.
D. It executes successfully and displays the literal “{‘s start date was \} * for each row in the output.
Correct Answer: C
So, how are words that contain single quotation marks dealt with? There are essentially two mechanisms available. The most popular of these is to add an additional single quotation mark next to each naturally occurring single quotation mark in the character string Oracle offers a neat way to deal with this type of character literal in the form of the alternative quote (q) operator. Notice that the problem is that Oracle chose the single quote characters as the special pair of symbols that enclose or wrap any other character literal. These character- enclosing symbols could have been anything other than single quotation marks. 1Z0-061 dumps
Bearing this in mind, consider the alternative quote (q) operator. The q operator enables you to choose from a set of possible pairs of wrapping symbols for character literals as alternatives to the single quote symbols. The options are any single-byte or multibyte character or the four brackets: (round brackets), {curly braces}, [squarebrackets], or <angle brackets>. Using the q operator, the character delimiter can effectively be changed from a single quotation mark to any other character.
The syntax of the alternative quote operator is as follows:
q’delimiter’character literal which may include the single quotes delimiter’ where delimiter can be any character or bracket.
Alternative Quote (q) Operator
Specify your own quotation mark delimiter.
Select any delimiter.
Increase readability and usability.
SELECT department_name || q'[ Department’s Manager Id: ]’ || manager_id
AS “Department and Manager”
FROM departments;
Alternative Quote (q) Operator
Many SQL statements use character literals in expressions or conditions. If the literal itself contains a single quotation mark, you can use the quote (q) operator and select your own quotation mark delimiter.
You can choose any convenient delimiter, single-byte or multi byte, or any of the following character pairs: [ ], { }, ( ), or < >.
In the example shown, the string contains a single quotation mark, which is normally interpreted as a delimiter of a character string. By using the q operator, however, brackets [] are used as the quotation mark delimiters. The string between the brackets delimiters is interpreted as a literal character string.
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